One of the most frequent causes of foot pain is an ingrown toenail. It’s generally simply an annoyance, but for people with diabetes or circulation issues, it can be a real problem. When the corner of the nail cuts into the skin, the result is an ingrown toenail. Pain, inflammation, edema, and discoloration are all possible outcomes. The great toe is the most common victim, but any toe can get it. What causes them and how we can stop them from happening again are discussed below.

What Causes Ingrown Toenails?

An ingrown toenail occurs when the side of a toenail (often the one on the big toe) grows into the skin of the toe. Swelling caused by this condition can be extremely uncomfortable. When toenails are allowed to grow unchecked, they can pierce the skin and invite infection. Ingrown toenails are uncomfortable at the best of times, but for people with preexisting conditions like diabetes, they can be life-threatening. Ingrown toenails can occur for various reasons, some of which are:

  • Unnaturally curved fingernails
  • Confining your toes in tight shoes
  • Not cutting your toenails straight across.
  • Your toe has been hurt.
  • Genetics

You can reduce your risk for ingrown toenails by addressing several of the aforementioned issues, such as failing to keep your toenails short and neat and not wearing shoes with adequate toe space. We have answers for you if you’re concerned about things like your toenail form or genetic predisposition that you can’t control.

Hone your cutting skills

When you cut your toenails, do not round the corners of them, and do not cut them for an excessively short amount of time.

Put on the right shoes

Get a pair of shoes that have a toe box that is roomy and that fit you well. When shoes or socks are too tiny, undue pressure can be put on the toes, which can lead to ingrown toenails. This can be caused by wearing shoes or socks that are too small.

Sole-guards, please!

Use whatever precautions are required to protect the health of your feet. When working in an area where heavy objects may fall on one’s feet, it is important to wear protective footwear like steel-toed boots, for example, to reduce the risk of developing ingrown toenails.

Take care of your toenails.

When you take your shoes off at night, have a glance at your toenails. If an ingrown toenail is noticed early, it can be treated more easily. If you or a member of your family has a history of ingrown toenails, you should take extra precautions to avoid the condition. If your nails grow in a curved pattern, you are also more likely to have them.


There are remedies you can try at home if you end up with an ingrown toenail. However, in some cases, the best course of action may be surgery for ingrown toenails made by a medical practitioner.