I have decided to quote this as science because the sizegenetics system uses a magnificent scientific technique. This device has been able to achieve a milestone and probably set the standard of all the future penis enlargements. Previously most men had to go through rigorous procedures or use hideous methods for penis enlargement and basically some of them gave up along the way. After all this, the sizegenetics has put back a smile in many a men’s faces and probably saved and maybe created a few relationships.

How It Works

This device just improved on the old style of body building. See, if you stretch any part of your body muscles the body will definitely respond, and it responds by creating new cells on that area to fill in the chambers of the tissue. The same applies with this device, it stretches the penis thus creating gaps which the body automatically fills using new cells. These expanded ligaments equals to penile enlargement. But then again, with the penis, a man wants to be “an electric Pole” not “an electric line”, this basically means long and wide and not long, loose and thin.

The men have to wear the sizegenetics extender throughout this period. The more they wear it, the better results they get in fewer periods. Accompany this with the Semen Volume supplement pills, not to be confused with penis enlargement pills. These pills allow you to produce more semen and create a big ejaculation. The penile enlargement exercise DVD is good plus for this. You only have to do this exercises a few minutes each day. Very man wants quick results, so combining these creates tangible results in very little time. How about the sex improvement DVDs. No, do not equate this to the typical porn. These are audio and visual guidelines from professionals on how to improve you love life. Another thing that compliments this package is the access to PenisHealth and Lovecentria sites. PenisHealth is a site that provides information basically all about the penis, how it reacts to certain situations or environment and how to get the best out of it. You also get access to Lovecentria site, globally acknowledged as the number one online sex guide site. What could possibly go wrong or not work while having such an armory of penile enlargement.


  • More inches to the penis length and girth
  • Long lasting sex and great orgasms
  • If you had a curved penis, it’s corrected
  • Long lasting erections and gratifying sex

The sizegenetics system could not have come at a better time. A sizeable penis will always be a plus for any man and this creates a lot of confidence in them. This device will change your life. The millions of worldwide satisfied customers cannot all be wrong. The results are permanent, no side effects and it only takes less than 6 months. The results will be an advantage to you and your partner. You know what they say, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.