Still, some do not want to be confronted with the complexity of their sexuality. To see in the erection a simple problem of hydraulics or a hormonal deficit which can be solved medically does not displease men. Many prefer to think that they do not work because they do not have enough male hormone. The erection can also be obtained by a purely mechanical process thanks to the vacuum, a suction pump system associated with a ring tourniquet at the base of the penis once it is full of blood, just like Finally, in the most serious cases, implantation of penile prostheses is an effective alternative.

This is a very common condition and, at present, one in three men over the age of 55 has erectile dysfunction. Risk factors (obesity, smoking, sedentary lifestyle) are also common and men with high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, coronary artery disease and diabetes are largely affected by erectile dysfunction. A man who gets older and has erectile dysfunction symptoms should go see his doctor, even if he does not, because it can be a symptom of another disease.

Cardiovascular health

Before considering any treatment for erectile dysfunction, it is therefore essential to take stock of cardiovascular health. It has also been established that, for this type of patient with cardiovascular risk factors, the onset of erectile dysfunction over seven to eight years is a higher risk factor for stroke, heart attack and stroke.

Myocardium and sudden death

Currently, one in two men followed by a cardiologist has an erection problem and a simple lifestyle change related to the prevention of cardiovascular risk can sometimes spontaneously improve erectile function.

While there has long been satisfactory treatment for erectile dysfunction, the introduction of oral therapy in 1998 was a real revolution. “For the first time, with a simple and safe treatment, we have been able to restore the ability of a penetrating sexuality to older men,” says Professor Giuliano, who wants to clarify that it is possible to have a healthy sexuality without penetration. All men do not complain about their erectile dysfunction and these drugs should be prescribed only in the face of expressed suffering.

Drugs not reimbursed

Erectile dysfunction is defined as the recurrent or permanent incapacity, during at least three months, to obtain in sexual stimulation an erection allowing a report with satisfactory penetration. Current oral therapies are all cardiovascular drugs that prevent the consequences of a malfunction of the epithelial cells of the blood vessels of the penis. They should not be prescribed to patients who are unable to physically exert penetrating intercourse and those receiving nitrate-based therapy. If you go through the bluechew review you can have the smartest deal here.

These drugs are facilitators of erection and allow, with sexual stimulation, to restore a satisfactory erection for two thirds of patients. “Their only real disadvantage at the moment is their price, since none of these drugs are reimbursed and many patients give up for this reason,” regrets Professor Giuliano.

For these patients or those who do not respond to these molecules, older treatments such as injections into the penis or the use of a penis pump should be used. If these treatments fail, it is possible to put a penile prosthesis. These treatments are less conducive to a friendly and spontaneous sexuality and trials are underway, to develop oral treatments for patients who do not respond to those who exist at present.