Bones serve a multitude of functions in the human body, including anchoring muscles, safeguarding organs, and storing calcium. Although it’s essential to develop strong healthy skeletons during toddlerhood, there are things you can do for a grownup to maintain bone strength. Do check out Orthopedic doctors in India

Why is bone health so essential?

New bone is always being formed and old bone is constantly being broken down in your bones. Your bone mass improves when you’re young because your body can produce new bone more quickly than it degrades existing bone. Around age 30, the majority of people reach their highest bone density. Following that, you continue to lose substantially more bone mass than you acquire as a result of bone remodeling.

How much bone density you have by the age you are 30 as well as how quickly you shed it subsequently determines how susceptible you are to acquiring osteoporosis, a disorder that makes bones fragile and inflexible. Therefore more bone you possess “in the bank” and the stronger your maximum bone mass, the less probable it is that you will get osteoporosis as you get older.

Factors influences bone health

  • Bone density can indeed be affected by a variety of causes. For instance:

the calcium content of your nutrition. A diet lacking in calcium carries the potential risk of fractures, early bone loss, and lower bone health.

  • Physical exercise. Physically sedentary people are much more likely to develop osteoporosis than healthy and active individuals.
  • Recreational drugs usage. According to research, smoking can cause brittle bones. The likelihood of osteoporosis may also be increased by routinely consuming more than one alcoholic beverage per day for women or 2 hard liquor per day for males.
  • Although women have much less bone matrix than males do, they are more susceptible to osteoporosis.
  • You run the danger of having less bone density to draw from as you age if you are exceedingly thin (a measure of body fat of 19 or less) or just have a tiny frame.
  • As individuals age, their bones weaken and grow thinner.
  • Family medical history as well as the racial group also matters. Whether you are white or have Asian ancestry, your likelihood of osteoporosis is highest. Additionally, if you’ve had a genetic history of fractures and a parent or sibling who already has osteoporosis, you are more likely to develop the disease yourself.
  • Long-term menstrual irregularities before menopause also contribute to the occurrence of osteoporosis. Low levels of testosterone in men might result in a reduction of bone mass.
  • Bone deteriorates in both men and women who drastically reduce their food intake and who are underweight. Additionally, procedures for losing weight and illnesses like celiac disease can impair your body’s capacity to absorb calcium.
  • Certain medicines like Corticosteroid drugs including prednisone, cortisone, prednisolone, and dexamethasone damage bone when taken over an extended period of time. Aromatase inhibitors used to treat prostate cancer, antidepressant drugs, methotrexate, various anti-seizure drugs including phenytoin and phenobarbital, and proton pump inhibitors are additional pharmaceuticals that may lead to higher rates of osteoporosis.