If you are tired of traditional medicine and want to take a look natural and holistic means of healing than you should look into cold laser therapy. Unlike ancient methods of healing such as acupuncture and chiropractic, cold laser therapy is a relatively new technology and form of healing. According to a cold laser article, cold lasers are used in two distinct ways. First, cold lasers are used to target trigger points the same way acupuncture does only without the needles. Next, it uses laser light to reduce pain and activates your body’s natural healing properties. According to a health article, cold laser therapy uses low levels of light to stimulate or activate your body’s natural healing mechanisms. Cold laser therapy is not the same type of lasers that are used in surgeries because cold lasers do not cause your tissue to heat up. Cold laser therapy is often referred to as low-level laser therapy, soft laser, or low-power laser therapy. Who would consider getting cold laser therapy? Cold laser therapy is non-addicting and non-intrusive when compared to traditional methods of healing. Cold lasers have been cleared by the FDA to be used in the treatment of some of the following aliments: ligament sprains, acute and chronic pain, muscle strain, tendonitis, soft tissue injuries, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, and bursitis. If you are not sure about cold lasers you should consider the benefits which include: extremely safe, easy to apply, non-toxic, no side-effects, non-invasive, cost effective, reduces need for surgery, and highly effective.
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Deep tissue laser therapy have been cleared by the FDA to be used in the treatment of some of the following aliments: ligament sprains, acute and chronic pain, muscle strain, tendonitis, soft tissue injuries, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, and bursitis. If you are not sure about cold lasers you should consider the benefits which include: extremely safe, easy to apply, non-toxic, no side-effects, non-invasive, cost effective, reduces need for surgery, and highly effective.