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Sexual Transmitted Infection (STI) informational background
Medical study provides information about infection which explains that it does not automatically lead to diseases. But infection happens due to the bacteria, viruses and other pathogen that enters the human body and begins to propagate. Illnesses are the outcome of damaged cells brought by infection from weak parts of our body that is infected.
Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD) which can be identified too as Sexual Transmitted Infection (STI) is infection that can be acquire from contact from one person to another through sexual intercourse along with oral, anal and vaginal sex. However it is not always sexual interaction that spread this infection, others through blood.
World Health Organization (WHO) says that there are 30 different bacteria, viruses and parasites that are identify to be carried out through sexual contacts. Eight of them are connected to the incidence causing STI and four are at present treatable. On the list are syphilis, gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Trichomoniasis.
Azithromycin for Sexual Transmitted Infection (STI)
Azithromycin is an antibacterial medicine of the macrolide group beneficial and helpful in curing wide variety of numerous bacterial infections. Consist of are the following: bronchitis, pneumonia, sexual transmitted diseases, ear infection, infection of the lungs, sinuses, skin infection, throat infection and also the reproductive organs.
Azithromycin is on the World Health Organization’s Lists of Essential Medicines it is considered the most efficient and safe medical drug required in health system. Its main function on the patient’s body is to stops the growth of bacteria. Available as a generic medication and sold worldwide under different trade brands. Caution: Intake of antibiotics without proper consultation will results in the increase potential of acquiring infection on later that resists treatment of antibiotics.