Ouch! Whether you have a ankle treatment sports medicine richmond va or an existing ailment, it’s important to find proper support for your needs. Ankle braces come in all sizes and styles for children and adults alike to find comfort.

Some braces support your foot and ankle while others target your ankle and knees. We’ve put together an easy to follow guide on what to look for when you’re shopping for a new ankle brace, be it for you or a loved one.

Five Benefits of Quality Ankle Braces

1. Reduce Skin Irritation

A quality support boot such as a Bledsoe brace should be well-crafted with foam support that won’t rub against your skin. Cushioned foam also lets your skin heal when you’re stuck with an ankle brace that may chafe and leave you with raw skin.

2. Simulates Proper Gait and Prevents Further Injuries

Sturdy shells and hinges on your ankle brace will promote a normal walk and keep you from slipping on wet surfaces so you don’t further irritate your injury. Ankle braces should be strong but flexible and keep you from the embarrassment of limping.

3. Comes in a Variety of Styles

As you recover from your injury, you’ll need a smaller brace until you’re healed. Each brace should have the same comfort level and let you feel the improvements. Most injuries start with a bootie and regress down to a lightweight ankle brace as you heal.

4. Suitable for athletic activities

Ankle braces can work for regular support as well as rehabilitation. An athletic ankle brace features ski buckles to adjust to your ankle and prevents the brace from moving while you’re playing sports. Athletic braces are suitable for soccer, football, and winter sports.

5. Contours for comfort

Some ankle braces feature air-gel technology to curve around the contours of your ankle and fit you snug and comfortably. Others are equipped with air pockets that provide stability with your ambulation. Shop around and try on booties and braces before deciding what feels best for you.

Do Your Research Before Shopping For Ankle Braces

It’s necessary to weigh out the pros and cons of certain ankle braces before settling on a product. Although your injury may be temporary, you’ll want to be sure it’s comfortable and functional while you’re in the healing process. We hope your recovery is smooth sailing!