Fine, solid, metallic needles are inserted into the skin during acupuncture operations, and they are afterwards stimulated by either electrical stimulation or by the practitioner’s hands moving in small, exact movements.

DongBang DB100 needles are affordable and of high quality. They have the smoothest tip and commonly uses for acupuncture. When inserted smoothly, they are more receptive, manageable, and comfortable for your patients. The DB100 needlepoint is exact and has the shape of a pine needle to make insertion simple and uncomplicated. The DB100 needle uses surgical-grade stainless steel with high tensile strength and a smooth surface.

Each box has 100 blisters that are simple to open and contain 100 needles. Every needle has one guiding tube in each blister, and pulling the plastic tab releases the acupuncture needles from the guide tube.

How does acupuncture treat pain in various illnesses and conditions?

According to Chinese medicine, acupuncture regulates the flow of chi or qi (chee), which passes along meridian pathways in the body. The body energy flow will be balanced accordingly to acupuncturists by putting needles into particular points along these meridians.

How is it accomplished?

  • Acupuncture’s primary goal is to relieve suffering brought on by a variety of diseases and disorders, such as:
  • Toothache
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Tension headaches or headaches
  • Headaches with tension, migraines
  • Labour pain
  • Lower-back pain
  • Stiff neck
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Dysmenorrhea
  • breathing difficulties
  • An allergic rhinitis
  • Golfer’s elbow
  • After surgery and chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting

What can you expect from acupuncture treatment?

Your acupuncturist will place very acupuncture needles into particular locations on your body during an acupuncture treatment. The act of inserting the needles typically doesn’t hurt too much.

Each practitioner’s acupuncture has a distinctive style that frequently combines elements of Eastern and Western schools of medicine. Your practitioner may enquire about your symptoms, behaviours, and lifestyle to establish the type of acupuncture therapy that will benefit you the best. They may also pay great attention, such as:

  • What painful body parts are there
  • Your tongue’s texture, colour, and form
  • Your wrist’s pulse, including its intensity, rhythm, and quality

Although some sessions may be considerably shorter, acupuncture treatments can last up to 1 hour. One or two weekly sessions are usually part of a standard treatment schedule for a given condition. It is advised to schedule six or more sessions, depending on the condition being treated..

Before undergoing acupuncture, talk to your doctor. Not everyone should receive acupuncture. Talk to your doctor about all the procedures and medications. You have to inform your physician if you have heart disease, breastfeeding, and severe skin conditions, are at risk for infection, or have any other implants. If you don’t address these issues, acupuncture could be harmful to your health.