Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition that can be unpredictable. It affects around 85% of MS patients. Relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) is a kind of MS marked by regularly developing new or exacerbated symptoms. These attacks can last anywhere from a few days to several months, and depending on their severity, they can be highly disruptive to your everyday life.

There is no proven method for preventing an MS attack other than following your treatment plan exactly as prescribed. But that doesn’t rule out the possibility of taking action. These six strategies may help you manage your symptoms and stress levels during a relapse.

Although most symptoms of multiple sclerosis do not necessitate a trip to the emergency room, there are times when you may need to go to the hospital. We’ll look at the symptoms that you can’t ignore and should take to the patel hospital.

Time To Use the Hospital for MS relapse

  • There are instances when the symptoms of MS require immediate attention, and a trip to the hospital may be necessary.
  • Severe pain or other symptoms impair a person’s ability to function normally, such as waking up with limb weakness that develops to immobility or losing eyesight in both eyes, are warning indications of a possible emergency.
  • Other new or unexpected symptoms that signal an urgent concern, such as chest pain, a broken bone, or a high fever, may also warrant a visit to the hospital. Someone with leg weakness and urinary issues may believe they have a new lesion, but it might be a herniated disc or something else.
  • If you are ending up in the hospital, notify your neurologist right away. It’s all part of their long-term disease management plan.”
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms are rarely life-threatening, but they can be unpleasant and scary, prompting you to seek medical attention. Many people are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis after experiencing numbness, vision changes, weakness, loss of balance, or vertigo.

Things to do for managing MS relapse

Now, let’s discuss some essential things which you need to do for managing MS relapse.

1. Be prepared

The first step in dealing with an attack is to be prepared for one. Making a list of critical information, such as emergency contact numbers, medical history details, and current medications, is an intelligent place to start. Keep your to-do list in a visible location in your home.

Because MS episodes might impair your mobility, make transportation plans with trustworthy friends or family members if you cannot drive due to the severity of your symptoms.

2. Monitor your symptoms

Although the symptoms of an MS attack differ from person to person, the following are some of the most common:

  • Fatigue
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Bladder problems
  • Blurry vision
  • Mobility issues
  • Dizziness

You may be experiencing a relapse if one or more of these symptoms persist for more than 24 hours.

A relapse might sometimes manifest itself in more severe symptoms. You may need to go to the hospital in some circumstances.

3. Contact your doctor

If you think you’re having a relapse, make an appointment with your doctor right away. Even if your symptoms appear to be under control and you don’t need medical help, your doctor needs to be aware of every recurrence to track MS activity and progression accurately.

4. Explore your treatment options

If the severity of your MS attacks has risen since your diagnosis, it may be beneficial to discuss new treatment options with your doctor. A high-dose course of corticosteroids, administered intravenously over three to five days, is sometimes used to treat more severe relapses.

5. Let people know

Consider informing your friends and family that you’re having a relapse once you’ve contacted your doctor. Because of your symptoms, you may need to alter some of your social plans. Making others aware of your position can assist relieve the burden of having to cancel past commitments.

6. Manage your emotions

An MS episode can cause a lot of anxiety and conflicting feelings. People may be enraged by the circumstance, fearful for the future, or concerned about how the illness may affect their relationships with others. If you’re having any of these feelings, remind yourself that they’ll go away with time.

Deep breathing and meditation are two mindfulness techniques that might help you manage stress and anxiety.

Final Notes

Although an MS attack cannot be predicted, you can take action to prepare for changes in your condition. Remember that you are not alone. Build a trustworthy relationship with your doctor so that you may share any changes in your state as soon as they occur. For this, you may contact the best hospitals in town.