Some of the most common misconceptions about female and male sexuality are that women are driven by meaning and emotion and that men are driven by biology. We often believe that women are quite complex, but we need to remember that this could also be the case for men. These narrow views of sexuality can add to the fact that so many people are emotionally and sexually unfulfilled and this is obviously quite harmful to our relationships. If you are in need of the best sexual health supplements for your individual body, make sure to read more from Analyze That.

Sexuality Can Be Emotional And Relational For Men

Men’s sexuality is often relationally-driven, even though we often tend to think otherwise. Men tend to hide a lot of aspects about themselves –  that they do not share with anyone else or often even themselves. This might be even more accurate in the arena of sex than in their emotional lives, because of the fact that men are often still trying to live up to the age old concept of “being a real man”. Depression, insecurity, shame, guilt, performance anxiety and fear of rejection play an enormous role in a man’s self-esteem. These feelings can often seep directly into his fantasies, desires and sexual self and they can also determine his sense of deprivation or entitlement. Therefore, male sexuality can be very emotional and it is also a way for him to measure how he feels when compared to others. This explains why many men prefer to be alone. This option is less painful than constantly measuring up or constantly failing to do so.

Men often mention that nothing turns them on more than when their partner is turned on, while women rarely feel the same way. When men see their partners ‘into it’, it can reveal something about themselves in relation to the other – it shows that they are generous and that they care about the pleasure of their partner. It also confirms that he is not hurting, but pleasing his partner. Men are, therefore, dependant on their partners for proof and reaffirmation that they are loving, kind men. Read more about men’s emotional vulnerabilities.

Sexuality Can Be Narcissistic For Women

What women often don’t tend to be completely honest about is the fact that sex for them, can be very narcissistic – because the pathway to her erotic pleasure can be created by focusing on herself. When focusing on herself – women are freed from the social role of tending to the needs of others. Only when a woman is free from paying attention to the well-being of everyone around her, will she be able to create a space where she can experience pleasure. Click here to read more about women’s sexual health and sexual needs.

We often believe that female sexuality is all about commitment – but this is not always the case, as we all know that women often become less interested in sex when in a long-term committed relationship.

Where To From Here?

There are so many couples who just don’t have sex any more, as the women are often tired at night and are often just not interested in sex anymore. Many women in long-term committed relationships feel like it would be perfectly fine if they never had sex again. Even though it may seem so – this doesn’t mean that the man is always up for sex and the woman is less interested – it actually just means that the woman is possibly not interested in the type of sex that she can have and the man is seeking for connection through sex with a partner who doesn’t seem interested.  

What you should try to keep in mind is that if a woman doesn’t really have an interest in sex, it doesn’t necessarily mean that she has a weaker sex drive. Female sexuality is something that needs ongoing engagement – it should be stoked imaginatively and intensely throughout the years. Also – men’s desires should be looked at through an emotional and relational lens as they often use sex as a license to ask for affection, sensuality, surrender, tenderness and love. Sex might be one of the only ways for men to fulfill their emotional needs.