The introduction of Gynostemma to public awareness is a welcome addition to the growing list of medicinal herbs and plants. Gynostemma pentaphyllum or more commonly known as Jiaogulan, is a climbing vine of the Cucurbitaceae family. Gynostemma is a medicinal herb with adaptogenic properties and grows predominantly in western and central part of southern China, notably Sichuan, Guizhou, and Guangxi provinces.
Gynostemma Pentaphyllum is likewise referred to as the “Cheap Ginseng” or “Southern Ginseng” as it is used as an alternative to the more popular Panax Ginseng albeit at lesser price. Gynostemma was found to contain Ginsenosides, which were thought to be unique to ginseng. However, Gynostemma was found to be superior due the higher concentration of saponins known as Gypenosides that provides this herb its adaptogenic, antioxidant, and therapeutic abilities.
The Benefits of Gynostemma
As an adaptogenic herb, Gynostemma Pentaphyllum‘s effects and benefits to the human body are mostly preventive in nature, and surely, most of us subscribe to the idea that “prevention of any ailment is far better than treatment.” Moreover, it is a fact that most cures nowadays are mostly focused on mitigating and remedying the symptoms of diseases, but not on absolutely curing these diseases. Gynostemma has the ability to cure the causes of the diseases. Moreover, Gynostemma’s antioxidant and therapeutic properties negate the occurrence of cancer and promote longevity.
How Gynostemma enables the Body to produce Nitric Oxide—The Molecule of the Year
One of the most beneficial substances occurring inside the human body is nitric oxide. Nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical gas that is produced and stored within the heart’s walls. Voted as the “Molecule of the Year” in 1992 by the Science magazine, nitric oxide is arguably the most beneficial chemical compound in the body that keeps immune, nervous, reproductive, and cardiovascular system healthy. However, insufficiency and excessiveness of nitric oxide usually give rise to various ailments like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and anti-immune disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cognitive decline, chronic inflammations, hypertension, etc., that could lead to heart attack and stroke. Gynostemma’sadaptogen has the ability to regulate the human body’s production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide performs many subtle tasks inside a person’s body which include the following:
- Nitric oxide relaxes the arterial walls easing blood flow.
- It prevents clogging within the arteries.
- It eliminates the possibility of plaque formation.
- It negates the blood clot buildup.
- It reduces the risk of stroke to occur or a heart attack.
The Benefits of Adaptogen
- The Gynostemma Pentaphyllum‘s high concentration of saponin gives the herb its adaptogenic properties that promotes homeostasis or bodily balance. The saponin likewise, gives a person’s body the strength and stamina to resist physical and mental stress. The saponin found in Gynostemma is called the gypenosides. Saponins like the gypenosides brings a number of bi-directional benefit such as:
- Gynostemma Pentaphyllum‘s saponin maintains blood pressure at normal level.
- Gynostemma‘s saponin stabilizes blood sugar level.
- Gynostemma‘s saponin balances body weight. Helps to gain or discard body weight.
- Gynostemma‘s saponin prevents cholesterol buildup.